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The Seven Dimensions of Wellness: Your Keys to a Vibrant, Fulfilling 2024

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What comes to mind when you hear the word “wellness?” If you’re like many people, you probably think that wellness simply means physical fitness. But that’s an incomplete understanding. Wellness is a dynamic, conscious development of the whole self that’s less about surviving and more about thriving. It’s also recognized by experts as a multifaceted concept with seven interdependent dimensions.

For seniors in particular, prioritizing the seven dimensions of wellness contributes to enhanced vitality and a higher quality of life. Life Plan Communities, also known as Continuing Care Retirement Communities, play a pivotal role in helping folks do just that.

The Village at Germantown goes even beyond conventional guidance, giving residents opportunities to embrace and nurture all seven dimensions holistically. Let's explore our approach to the seven dimensions of wellness at The Village, and how each empowers seniors to experience a truly flourishing and fulfilling life.

1. Mental Wellness

Some people believe mental wellness means being in a cheery mood all the time. But the reality is that mental wellness encompasses all aspects of cognitive and emotional health, including how you cope with life’s ups and downs.

One way to improve your mental wellness is through mindfulness, which simply means focusing on the present moment instead of rehashing the past or imagining the future. Living in the moment also means expressing your feelings and emotions as you feel them instead of keeping things “bottled up.”

Here at The Village, there are ample opportunities to work toward mental wellbeing, including onsite support groups. You’ll also find plenty of art, cultural and educational programs to keep your mind sharp and brighten your outlook on life.

2. Physical Wellness

When people hear the word “wellness,” physical wellness is often the first thing that comes to mind. And no wonder. Physical wellness is all about developing healthy habits that will enable to you to live a longer, happier life.

Most of the keys to physical wellness will probably sound familiar. For starters, make sure you’re eating abundant fresh foods, including 5 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Choosing water instead of sugary drinks like soda can also help keep you feel energized and keep your blood sugar under control.

And of course, regular exercise—at least 150 minutes (think of it as five 30-minute sessions) of moderate aerobic activity each week—is important for preventing fatigue, boosting mental clarity and promoting restful sleep. At The Village, our Fitness Center is a hive of activity with folks taking advantage of amenities like our stationary bicycles, heated pool and scheduled fitness classes. It’s a great way to socialize too!

3. Social Wellness

Humans are social beings, and maintaining connections is important for your physical and mental health. Social wellness is all about how we interact with our community and those around us. It also means building a support system of family, friends, peers and professionals.

One of the simplest ways to cultivate social wellness is to be open-minded about new experiences and people. Try to seek out opportunities to join a club, play a sport or volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about. And remember, one of the best ways to start a conversation is to ask someone about themselves.

Folks who call The Village home are among the friendliest people you’ll ever meet. They’re always ready to catch the latest movie, hit the putting green or head to the Polo Lounge & Grille for a pint. Residents also flock to our diverse clubs featuring everything from drama to woodworking and much more.

4. Financial Wellness

Achieving balance between your life goals and your financial obligations creates unmatched peace-of-mind. You’ve likely spent a lifetime building good financial habits like saving, budgeting and using credit cards wisely. And moving to a Life Plan Community can make smart financial sense as well.

For starters, you won’t have to deal with expenses like utilities, home maintenance and property taxes. Even better, we have plans available to help minimize the impact of rising healthcare costs, and you will avoid a disruptive move if your needs change. At The Village, we offer a range of contracts to suit different life scenarios and our knowledgeable counselors can help you weigh all your options.

5. Spiritual Wellness

Your beliefs, principles and values have given purpose to your life for decades. And now that the kids are grown and your day-to-day activities have changed, spiritual pursuits can still enrich your overall wellness. Studies even suggest that spiritual or religious observance can lower your risk of stroke, hypertension and other health concerns.

When it comes to spiritual wellness, one size does not fit all. Some folks practice acts of kindness, while others find meaning in faith and religious practices. But whether or not you subscribe to a particular religious worldview, your spiritual wellbeing is key to living a full life, especially as you get older.

A Life Care Community like The Village can bring new opportunities to reflect, pray and connect with nature. You can also form new friendships through group devotionals, pastoral programs and the study of religious texts.

6. Vocational Wellness

Sharing your knowledge and abilities with others doesn’t have to stop just because you’ve retired. Vocational wellness is all about finding enrichment and satisfaction through good work and meaningful contributions to your community.

One way you can share your talents is by volunteering. You don’t have to look very far to find opportunities like organizing a food drive, assisting with a political campaign, tutoring young people or taking part in a trash clean-up.

The Village also offers numerous ways to channel your talents into endeavors like gardening, planning special events or fundraising for a worthy cause. There are also numerous activities, clubs and committees that let you explore new and exciting pursuits.

7. Environmental Wellness

Living in harmony with your surroundings and our planet is what environmental wellness is all about. And you don’t have to follow a New-Age lifestyle to make it work.

Maintaining a clean, well-organized living space can help you lower stress and spend more time doing the things you love. Plus, it’s easier to sleep soundly when you’re not distracted by clutter. Outdoors, you can engage with nature by strolling through a park, going for a hike or reading under a tree. Steering clear of loud noise, pollution, secondhand smoke and ultraviolet radiation is also a good idea.

Life Plan Communities are built with an eye toward environmental wellness as well. At The Village you’ll find scenic walking paths, gardens and courtyards that let you connect to nature and all its beauty. It’s great for the immune system, too.

If 2024 has you thinking about new beginnings, The Village will change your life. Our holistic approach to integrating all seven dimensions of wellness into your day-to-day life is just the beginning of how we can help make your next chapter your best chapter. Call us today at 901-737-4242 to schedule your visit.

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